Tuesday, September 28, 2010

WWE Raw 9/27

Ok well its been a while but its ok if you watched wrestling its nothing special.

here is my notes from Raw tonight.

The miz and Alex Riley vs. Bryan Danielson and John Morrison
-was a pretty decent match.
- After the match why did the "GM" make the stupid Submissions anywhere match but its a hell in a cell? ooooo so many places. why not make it a no dq.

DIVA Battle royal
-Ok Melina and Gail Kim are the first two out yet there the best 2 in that ring.
- So boring I prefer TNA Women
- Isn't a Battle Royal over the Top Rope ?
- when eve went out it was a horrible fuck up like most of that "match"
- Alicia Took a nasty bump
-Le Cool not bad on commentary

Sheamus vs Khali
-I Hate his music , his voice, his horrible dye job
- Fiery red hand of the WWE= Really that was horrible
-Horrible "match"
-Khali destroys the Undertaker but get destroyed by Sheamus I dont think so

Edge interviews a computer.....And that's all I have to say about that

Edge Vs Cena
-Nice yet predictable counter to Attitude adjustment
- Cena horrible at bumps and moves.
- Cena and Edge are both 9x Champs wow that belt means nothing
- Cena took the spear horrible
- Horrible STF

Cena's STF:

Regular STF:
This isn't locked in the way i like it but it looks very painful compared to Cena's

- Really EDGE beating up a computer and the computer trying to talk sense to him ? horrible

Bourne + Mark Henry VS. Heath Slater + Justin Gabriel
-Horrible match
-Beautiful shooting star
-Justin Gabriel horrible 450
- Horrible Finish
-Tarver is the new Kama!

Hart Dynesty vs Rhodes and Mcyntire
-Crappy Match
-DH Smith heel turn

Orton vs Jericho
-I hate the Whole Viper thing
-jericho should be champ
-Kept Showing Sheamus  why who cares
-Jericho out of shape

All in All a horrible show.

Jerry Lawler  funny as usual. Cole Sucked  as always he needs to shutup

Superstar of the night:

1 comment:

  1. Contrary to Popular Belief The STF and The STFU are not the same move.

    The STF is the Stepover Toe Hold Facelock meanwhile the STFU is a Stepover ToeHold Sleeper.

    Umm he made it a submission match because Triple threats are ALWAYS no DQ, you can't have a DQ in a match with more then 2 people, because it doesn't give a winner, just a loser.

    Wil Kitcher
